French the natural way: carnaval & planning your trip to France
Coucou les French learners,
C’est déjà le mois de février ! It is already the month of February! Il fait froid et il y a de la neige, it is cold and there is some snow, brr !
Coucou les French learners,
C’est déjà le mois de février ! It is already the month of February! Il fait froid et il y a de la neige, it is cold and there is some snow, brr !
Coucou les French learners,
Yesterday was a special day and an excuse to eat loads of crêpes ! Miam !
La Chandeleur
The French celebrate la Chandeleur every 2nd of February, which marks the day when Jesus was presented at the temple in Jerusalem.
Coucou les French learners,
Before you get to meet another fantastic French learner, I want to share with you a very interesting article. It is when you start receiving a lot of input in another language. In fact, you are “receiving so much input that a din of target language develops in your head.
Coucou les French learners,
Comment ça va ? Est-ce que tu as envie de jeter l’éponge ?
Do you feel like throwing in the towel or the sponge? If you think learning French is too much, think about polyglots who can acquire multiple languages with ease.
Coucou les French learners,
Bonne fête des rois ! Happy Three Kings Day! In France, on the 6th of January the Wise Men figurines in the nativity scene are placed around baby Jesus; in the lead up to this date, they were being gradually moved closer and closer to the stable.