Results for category: Story scripts
Agen Takeaway #2: get to know your learners
Welcome back for those teachers who are already back to school! And even for those who aren’t yet, this post should be of great help to start the school year!
Last week, I was telling you about my first takeaway from #Agen2019: Very Narrow Listening presented by Judith Dubois (who also happens to run the conference).
French the natural way: comment écouter ?
Coucou les French learners,
Le mois d’août est déjà là ! The mont of August is already here!
In the month of August, it does good to go look for a lettuce in the garden.
I had such a wonderful in Agen!
Agen Takeaway #1: Very Narrow Listening with French Learners
I am back from #Agen2019 where I had an amazing time acquiring Latin with Justin Soclum Bailey.
The Latin class was in the morning and in the afternoon, I attended several excellent presentations. I got so inspired that I want to share my takeaways from Agen in a series of blog posts aimed at French teachers.
French the natural way: Input Optimal
Coucou les French learners,
As I am getting ready to travel to Agen, I have come to realize I am on a MISSION!
Whilst preparing the presentation I will give there about making videos on YouTube (have a sneak peek here!