Coucou les French learners,
Bonne fête des rois ! Happy Three Kings Day! In France, on the 6th of January the Wise Men figurines in the nativity scene are placed around baby Jesus; in the lead up to this date, they were being gradually moved closer and closer to the stable.

La crèche avec les Trois Rois Mages.
Les Rois Mages sont finalement arrivés à destination guidés par l’étoile, the Wise Men have finally arrived at their destination guided by the star. Listen to their story on my YouTube channel:
French people also celebrate the Epiphany by eating la galette des rois, the Kings’ cake ceremoniously!

La traditionnelle galette des rois à la frangipane.
Traditionally, the youngest member of the family goes under the table to distribute the slices to the different people sitting around the table. The person who finds la fève, a porcelain or earthenware figurine in their slice of galette becomes the king (or queen) of the day and must choose his/her King or queen. This year, I was lucky to have my parents around the table. My mum got la fève so she became la reine, the queen and she chose my 5 years old son to be le roi, the king!
To make the galette as pictured above, I followed Julie Andrieu super easy yummy recipe:
Happy French acquisition!
A bientôt !
More videos coming your way based on tales and legends! Brand New Season and video is on Tuesday 9th January!
P.S. Got friends, family, colleagues or clients who want to become fluent in French? Share this with them, they’ll thank you for it