Coucou les French learners,
Do what pleases you!
There is a popular French proverb ” En mai, fais ce qu’il te plaît “, in May do what pleases you.
As well as being passionate about languages, I have another passion which is yoga. I love yoga because it helps me in so many ways! It helps me to be fit as a teacher! I also have a cool yoga teacher on YouTube called Adriene. That way I get to practice my English (in that case I get to acquire Texas American English!) as well as practicing my favorite hobby, yoga.
Je fais d’une pierre, deux coups, literally I do of one stone, two hits or in proper English I kill two birds with one stone!
I challenge you to do an activity you are passionate about in French! Yes you’ve read it, in French! You can do it, it’s fun.
If you love yoga like me, find a French yoga teacher online and practice yoga in French. If you love to cook, look for recipes in French. If you are a bird watcher, look for a French bird-watching community on Facebook and join. The possibilities are endless! As yogi Adriene would say “find what feels good” and do it in French.
You will feel empowered!
And please share what you are doing in French so that we can support each other. I cant’ wait!!!
May flower
Another French tradition happening on the first of May is to offer un brin de muguet, a lily of the valley.
With a small group of girls I teach on a weekly basis, we had a good laugh reading a poem about le muguet by changing the tone (I got the idea from SpanishPlans) from sad to happy, from furious to shy…
Le muguet
Cloches (= bells) naïves du muguet,
Carillonnez (= chime or ring) ! car voici Mai !
Sous une averse (= a downpour) de lumière (= light),
Les arbres chantent au verger (= orchard),
Et les graines (= seeds) du potager (= kitchen garden)
Sortent en riant de la terre.
Carillonnez ! car voici Mai !
Cloches naïves du muguet !
Les yeux brillants, l’âme (= the soul) légère (= light),
Les fillettes s’en vont au bois
Rejoindre les fées (= fairies) qui, déjà,
Dansent en rond sur la bruyère.
Carillonnez ! car voici Mai !
Cloches naïves du muguet !
Maurice Carême
Listen to us reading it. As you would have probably guessed, the tone is a joyful one!
La chance
Le muguet is offered as un porte bonheur, a lucky charm.
Watch my new story about luck. I wish this kind of situation would happen to me, don’t you?
You will acquire:
Il commande = he orders
Il mange = he eats
Il boit = he drinks
Il a terminé de = he has finished to
Il n’a pas assez d’argent = he doesn’t have enough money
Happy French acquisition!
A bientôt !
P.S. Got friends, family, colleagues or clients who want to become fluent in French? Share this with them, they’ll thank you for it
P.P.S. I did a new shorter intro about who I am and what the natural approach is all about. Have a look at my homepage.