Coucou les French learners,
C’est le printemps, spring is here!
As I write this newsletter on Good Friday, Vendredi Saint, I thought I would share with you a presentation I gave today to my wonderful beginner’s class with Express Fluency. It explains the French Easter traditions and it includes a sweet poem entitled Matin de Pâques, Easter morning. View it here.
Last year in October, I shared 3 ideas to ENJOY the fall season AND to ACQUIRE French. So I thought I would share some new ideas to ENJOY spring!
Profiter du printemps

Le Parc de Sceaux et les cerisiers en fleurs
ENJOY the new season!
Admirer la nature et écouter du français
Quel bonheur de pouvoir admirer les fleurs et les feuilles des arbres !
Whilst gardening or just enjoying the outdoors, LISTEN to FRENCH. My weekly suggestions playlist is a good start. The audio books are also great to listen to a longer comprehensible story. When you are a member, you can then join our online live book clubs on Saturdays.
Our last book club was about La nouvelle fille by Jennifer Degenhardt. It was stimulating to talk with the members in a relaxed and safe environment! Some members shared their French journey. They started the Baby Stage in December last year and they now start to speak full sentences en French fluently AND comfortably, WITHOUT stress! Watch the replay here.
Join our next book club on Saturday, April 17th. We will talk about La maison du 13 rue Verdon by Theresa Marrama.
Faire une visite virtuelle
Why don’t you take a virtual tour of some of the French museums ?
Le musée des Confluences de Lyon is dedicated to anthropology and science. It has mystery quizzes.
Le musée des Arts décoratifs in Paris is all about fashion and is well worth a visit!
And of course, Le Louvre has an amazing website with conferences, videos and podcasts.
You can also escape with me to Portugal! Watch my YouTube playlist and discover one of the oldest countries in Europe. Its borders are pretty much unchanged since 1297. Here is the first video about Braga, where I live. Join us and access all the scripts.
Profiter du soleil
My favorite activity in spring: to sit on a chaise longue outside with a good book! Here are my tips to read in French.
If you have never read in French, start by reading a GOOD STORY on the membership. You can download them as PDF. They range from beginners to advanced learners.
There are new wonderful readers to download for free on the Stories First Foundation thanks to Claire Walter amazing work! Also check out my book talks on YouTube.
Take every opportunity to LISTEN and READ in French.
Speaking is a result of acquisition and not its cause, Stephen Krashen, 1985.
Jafal who has started the Baby Stage commented about session 7: ” You are so clever, Alice! I’m a total beginner and can’t believe I just understood 20 mins of French! Wow, what a great way to give learners confidence. Thank you!! I can’t wait to continue.”
Happy French acquisition & Happy spring!
Joyeuses Pâques, Happy Easter!
P.S. Got friends, family, colleagues or clients who want to become fluent in French? Share this with them, they’ll thank you for it!
P.P.S Want to boost your French this spring? Join me at Express Fluency for a weekly beginner class and intermediate class. Classes start mid-April.