Coucou les French Learners,
Noël approche, Christmas is approaching…
On Sunday, we lighted the third candle on the Advent wreath. Watch Marie et Médor Christmas adventures to find out more about this tradition.

La couronne de l’Avent
We also baked les petits sablés de Noël, Christmas cookies, miam ! Here is a simple French recipe.

La pâte à sablés à la cannelle (= cinnamon)
We played Taboo with Christmas words.
And we watched a fun French Christmas movie. Watch Santa & Cie trailer!
Le week-end de l’Avent parfait ! The perfect weekend before Christmas!
Une invitation spéciale
And so I thought: ” Why not having the same perfect festive event with the French learners community?”
More than a year ago, my Dear Man and I started to create a French learners community. Our goal was to make French accessible to ALL. To give OPTIMAL FRENCH INPUT. That is to say COMPREHENSIBLE and COMPELLING French stories to make language acquisition a JOYFUL experience.
More members are joining US and acquiring the beautiful French language joyfully. The community keeps growing with LOVE and CARE. We are GRATEFUL for YOU, our members.
It is about time WE meet YOU LIVE!
On Tuesday 22nd December
5pm GMT / 6pm CET / 12pm EST / 9am PST

Pause chocolat chaud
Let’s drink a hot chocolate and CELEBRATE!
Be ready to
- LISTEN to a French Christmas story
- SING a Christmas song with me
- PLAY French Taboo to acquire special words about Christmas
- SHARE something special you have or you do to celebrate: a hat, a decoration, a drink, a song, food…
Don’t worry if you cannot speak French yet. YOU are here to get French comprehensible and compelling input AND to CELEBRATE.
Let’s build a STRONG and SUPPORTIVE community!
The NEW Marie & Médor series in Normandie are coming to an end for this year. Alongside those adventures, you also get to find out about French fun facts and culture in a NEW Un peu de culture series. The last episode is about 5 famous and less famous cheeses. BUT don’t worry, we will be back next year with new adventures!
When you are a member, read and listen to the script.
AND here are the new stories and exclusive videos:
- Pourquoi la mer est salée,why is the sea salted? Find out in this story which comes with a glossary;
- Art, a famous play about three friends who argue about a modern piece of art. It is a new exclusive video!
- La légende de Saint Nicolas, in the East of France Saint Nicolas is celebrated on December 6th, do you know his fascinating legend?
- Les trois plumes, a Grimm brothers tale about three brothers competing to be the next king;
- La politesse, a tale about three princes. Two of them were not polite enough!
KayBear who is doing the the Baby Stage says: ” Alice, you are THE BEST French mom ever! I cannot believe how quickly my understanding is developing. I wake up and think a few French words… They are random words- but I know it means my brain is acquiring the language whilst I sleep. Merci beaucoup ma maman.”
Happy French acquisition!
P.S. Got friends, family, colleagues or clients who want to become fluent in French? Share this with them, they’ll thank you for it!
P.P.S Want to boost your French next year? Join me at Express Fluency for a weekly beginner class and intermediate class.