Coucou les French learners,
Le Beaujolais nouveau est arrivé ! Well not yet but soon…
This early wine or vin de primeur will be on the tables ready to drink this Thursday, November 18th. Christine, a dedicated member of the community, shared this video in the Community Chat – Romain Teyteau who exports wines explains this tradition in English.

Read more about this special wine in this French article by Actuailes.
JOIN US FOR 45 MINS LIVE TO PLAY GAMES. It is happening on Fridays, November 19 & 26!
We are meeting this Friday November, 19 to get to know each other better and to have fun!
Last Friday, we had a lot of fun answering wacky questions, des questions farfelues and then playing ni oui, ni non. Watch the replay.
This popular French game is about asking questions BUT if you answer OUI or NON, you are out of the game! You need to find other words to answer like absolument or certainement pas or exactement… It is silly but fun and you don’t need any kind of preparation to play it.
Watch this family play it (they bought the board game but it is really not necessary!)
JOIN US on Friday to play with us!
5pm UK / 6pm France / 12pm EST / 9am PST
Gain New Friends and Get Involved with the French Learners Community. #youarenotalone
Increase your vocabulary and comprehension #storyispower
Reduce your stress #relax
Communicate with real people in French #youcandothis
(You don’t have to speak if you don’t feel ready to, you can use the live chat to communicate)
The Motivation Break
The motivation break is still running. And it is available as a podcast to listen on the go!
Episode #5 is a truly inspiring conversation with Tina Coffman.
Tina is a 62 year old retiree from project planning of technology and computer science work. She was always interested in learning new things but learning a new language was the furthest thing from her mind. Tina had always felt blocked from language learning. Now she is a devoted learner on the community. Tina says “who would have thought that the greatest thing about the language journey is all the friends you meet along the way?”
Alison commented in the Community Chat ” Tina, I just watched your chat with Alice and it was so inspiring. As a visual learner I could relate to the “struggle” prior to finding Alice.”
And Tricia added ” Tina, I really enjoyed your video with Alice. I could relate to a lot of what you said. I hope to join in on Happy Hour next Friday even though it will be 4 am Sydney time!”
YES! we do have dedicated members in the community!
Dawn says after watching session #11 of the Baby Stage :
Another great Alice story. I love the extra drama in the stories about the simplest of things it’s so funny! I am now starting to write my own stories in French ” about problems” and then using them in language exchange events. I am just starting to put a few simple sentences together and actually speak and understand. Your stories are such a gift, the membership was the greatest gift I have given to myself!
What are you waiting for? Join us now for as little as 5 Euros/month (so the same as getting a nice drink)!
- Understand French stories and store the new words forever in your brain.
- Build a strong French foundation.
- Acquire the most frequent French words and structures used in everyday conversations.
- Speak spontaneously when you are ready to.
- Become fluent in French effortlessly. Words come out of your mouth naturally without thinking.
- Get supported by a caring community. You are not alone in your journey!
Happy French acquisition!
P.S. Got friends, family, colleagues or clients who want to become fluent in French? Share this with them, they’ll thank you for it!