Coucou les French learners,
Bonjour le mois d’août, hello August!
This weekend, after a full-on week presenting at Agen Workshop Global Online, I had a wonderful barbecue with my family. I tried something new: les pastèques au barbecue, barbecue watermelons!
C’était délicieux ! I love watching a French TV program called Top Chef which features professional cooks competing for the best dish and menu. This year, in one episode, Chef Mory Sako put watermelon slices on the barbecue explaining it was a game changer. I had to try! If you enjoy watching cooking programs, watch Top Chef saison 11 here.

Mory Sako, Top Chef
Trying ou new things brings me JOY.
Acquiring a new language brings me JOY.
What brings you JOY?
Une grande inspiration
Last week, I presented Story Listening, a method developed by Dr. Beniko Mason. I presented the method to language teachers from all over the world. I told a NEW story every weekday (Monday to Friday).
Here are the stories I told (ALL of them are available to read and to listen to when you are a member):
- Lundi : La grenouille qui se veut faire aussi grosse que le boeuf;
- Mardi : Le bourgeois gentilhomme;
- Mercredi : La chèvre de Monsieur Seguin;
- Jeudi : Narcisse;
- Vendredi : Les géants de Carnac.

Agen Workshop Global Online
The GOAL was to have JOY with the stories. It is NOT about learning a new language. It is about ENJOYING a story. However to be able to enjoy a story in another language, you must be RELAXED.
It is TRULY important to be FULLY relaxed to be able to enjoy a story even if at one point you may not understand a word. It is also truly important to let the brain BE OPEN to new words, ABSORB the new language and PROCESS it.
That is why BREATHING before listening to a story HELPS your brain acquire the new language subconsciously.
Relax and FOCUS on the story, ENJOY it. It is NOT about learning French, it is about ACQUIRING it.
I hope to be back SOON on YouTube with new free videos. Meanwhile, there are MANY NEW resources on my site.
This quote by French poet, Alfred de Musset is explained in session 28 of the Baby Stage online self paced course. ALL sessions come with a video, the script, audio and glossary. This course is specifically designed for French beginners to build a strong foundation and learn about the French culture too. Session 28 is about the the super verb pouvoir, to be able to in French. You also get to understand a popular fable about a fox inviting a stork for dinner.
You can then read and listen to a more detailed version of the fable in the past tense. AND read and listen to another popular fable about the hare and the turtle, le lièvre et la tortue.
MANY compelling stories to ENJOY. They all lead to French ACQUISITION.
Thomas, my 12 years old son continues to share fun and interesting facts about wild animals. These are short texts you can read and listen to when you join the amazing French learners community. There are three news one about le lion, le léopard,
and le puma.
Batesy says after watching the story of Les Trois Ours in the Baby Stage course: “ This story is probably the first time I really got so engrossed. Your story telling came to life very nicely. As Stephen Krashen says: for a little while I simply forgot I was listening in French and just enjoyed the story. Thank you.”
Happy French acquisition!
P.S. Got friends, family, colleagues or clients who want to become fluent in French? Share this with them, they’ll thank you for it
P.P.S Want to help us deliver more quality French input to ALL? Download the 2020 calendar & 12 bookmarks with positive French quotes! MERCI DU FOND DU COEUR <3