Coucou les French learners,
As I am writing this newsletter, the dough I prepared to make crêpes is resting in the kitchen. Later today I will heat the pan and start flipping crêpes for my family. Today is la Chandeleur, Candlemass!
We are celebrating la lumière, light. Days are getting longer. Le printemps pointe le bout de son nez, spring shows the tip of its nose. As Catholics, we are celebrating la présentation de Jésus au temple, the presentation of the child Jesus at the temple, just 40 days after Christmas.
Yesterday in the Intermediate live class, I explained this celebration, its origins and we marveled at sculptures and paintings. It was such a delightful session! Look at the presentation here.

Alfred de Richemont, les crêpes & Alphonse Cornet, la Chandeleur
Comment rester motivé ?
We continue the new series of videos to motivate YOU to acquire French toute l’année, all year long. Each video focuses on one tip or trick to keep acquiring French no matter what!
Our last video helps you to get used to the French language. Especially its sounds, tone and musicality. It is crucial to take the time to LISTEN to stories in French so your brain gets to know when sentences start and end, how to ask questions and with which intonation, how to pronounce the French sounds too! Many words may seem strange to hear at first but story after story, you get used to those weird French sounds.
Many learners tell me they want to sound French. All you need is to take the time to LISTEN. It is very SIMPLE. Instead of repeating out loud French words and sentences straight away, dedicate your time to listen, listen, listen.
In this video, I share how Portuguese sounds to me. How does French sound to you?
I love what Hoa Le wrote:
I greatly appreciate this video series. Your teaching style and method of acquiring French is so fresh, alive, and the results are amazing! And because your method is not at all “traditional”, these videos show/remind us how to get optimal results… be patient, relax, enjoy, allow it to happen naturally!
This month, we are meeting again on Fridays February, 11 & 25.
If you are not quite sure what this is all about, watch the January replay sessions. It was so much fun!
Russian writer, Dostoïveski wrote ” La beauté sauvera le monde “, beauty will save the world.
Let’s observe and share what we see and how we feel. let’s observe beauty together. Let’s speak French!
5pm UK / 6pm France / 12pm EST / 9am PST
Gain New Friends and Get Involved with the French Learners Community. #youarenotalone
Increase your vocabulary and comprehension #storyispower
Reduce your stress #relax
Communicate with real people in French #youcandothis
Happy French acquisition!
P.S. Got friends, family, colleagues or clients who want to become fluent in French? Share this with them, they’ll thank you for it!
P.P.S Make sure to watch Diane Lundegaard’s motivation break! And then Join Us for as little as 5 Euros/month (so the same as getting a nice drink)!