Coucou les French learners,
last week, we celebrated l’amour, la Saint Valentin !

I cannot live without you, it is that LOVE
Read this interesting article about this special day.
Des histoires d’amour
But love has to be celebrated tous les jours, everyday, n’est-ce pas ? Isn’t it?
Here is a selection of love stories you can watch and re-watch:
- Le mariage
- Un peu amoureux
- Où sont les lunettes ?
These beautiful illustrations were done by my Dear Man. They are available along with the video scripts in the eBook.
My favorite thing about the eBook is that your contribution directly helps those who cannot afford French lessons by ensuring that the weekly free French stories continue on le Français naturellement YouTube channel.
You can also watch more “complicated” love stories here:
- Le trou dans l’eau
- La légende des trois jolies princesses
- Premier amour
- Pygmalion
L’écoute active
Listening is key to language acquisition.
To reach a level in which you can produce language spontaneously and easily, you need to hear and read a great deal of the language.
That is why becoming a good listener is key. You may think that being a good listener is to remain quiet and to listen?
Not really! According to a research in a development program designed to help managers become better coaches, a good listener is actually an active listener, someone “who periodically ask questions that promote discovery and insight.” A good listener is also someone who “makes the other person feel supported and convey confidence in him/her, making it a positive experience.”
For instance, this weekend I told a Grimm brothers tale Les sept corbeaux to 10 years old French learners. They were really into the story and kept asking me questions (in English) such as: “The boys were turned into ravens forever?“, “But why didn’t the dad say he wished his sons back into humans again?“…
They were active listeners. They were interrupting me to ask good questions about the story. And I was feeling good myself because I knew there were comprehending the story. Even better, they were so much into the story, they had forgotten the story was in another language, French!
Une histoire de biscuits
I know it may be more difficult to be an active listener in front of a screen when watching my videos! BUT when you comment a video, you are interacting and actively listening.
“The highest and best form of listening comes in playing the same role for the other person that a trampoline plays for a child. It gives energy, acceleration, height and amplification.”
Here is my latest story about les biscuits bleus, blue cookies:
Which questions, comments, answers to my questions do you have? I LOVE to hear from you.
I am here to help you acquire French effortlessly.
Happy French acquisition!
P.S. Got friends, family, colleagues or clients who want to become fluent in French? Share this with them, they’ll thank you for it
P.P.S. Yearly and monthly subscription to over 150 exclusive stories and podcasts will be available soon this year.