Coucou les French learners,
I hope that cette lettre d’amour, this love letter finds you well.

Saint Valentin, le village des amoureux en France.
There are so many reasons why you should fall in love with French! The most obvious would be that French is the language of love. But why is French considered the language of love? Being French, I have always wondered…
It could be the accent, its distinct rhythm in which each word is pronounced. Watch why it is necessary to spend time listening to get used to the melody of the language.
There is also a long history of French literature and poetry associated with romance and love affairs.
Still not convinced? Take the plunge, have a date with French. You will fall in love with it for sure!
Ecouter – Listen to a love story
Grab your favorite drink, indulge in chocolate, sit back and relax. Enjoy a love story in French.
When you listen to a compelling story and when you understand the gist of the story, the acquisition process happens. It’s magic!
After listening to Merlin, l’enchanteur and his eternal love story with Viviane (soon comprehensibly available on the membership), Alister shared:
Merci pour hier. Cette histoire est très intéressante avec un vocabulaire riche. Mais j’ai bien compris cette histoire. C’est magique !
Here is a playlist of 5 love stories. They are all comprehensible. Some are tragic, others are amusing. Watch and ENJOY!
All the videos above are free and await you! There also more love stories and exclusive videos with affordable membership. So drop in this week.
Commit to yourself!
Chanter – Sing a love song
This week, with the Intermediate class, we had fun singing this “sarcastic” love song entitled “J’ai pas envie“, I dont feel like it.
When you join us, you get to sing other love songs in a same format as the one above. That way, you understand the lyrics and you acquire French effortlessly!
#inputaloneissufficient #trustheprocess
Review of the week
Ken commented:
This is great! For me it is beneficial to finally have sentences spoken word by word slowly. I’ve picked up a bad habit of trying to pronounce words a fast as I can which, I think, only hurts rather than helps. Even though I understand quite a bit, I’m going to start my journey here from Baby Stage #1 because the way I “learned” was to translate in my head instead of assuming another persona. I have a lot of “unlearning” to do!
What are you waiting for? Join us now and make real progress in French! You will gain:
CLARITY: progress step by step through stages and make French become clear to you.
COMMUNITY: meet weekly and keep yourself accountable through the most caring and invested community.
TRANSFORMATION: feel empowered. Be fluent in French. Transform yourself and get a new soul.