Coucou les French learners,
Est-ce que vous profitez de l’été ? Are enjoying summer?

Un tournesol ( lisez l’histoire du tournesol ! ), un château de sable au bord de l’océan Atlantique et un coucher de soleil.
Summer is my favorite season of the year. I love the heat, the sunshine, the long days and evenings, the ice cream. I explain why I love summer in the Teen Stage session entitled – Quelle est ma saison préférée ?
In this session’s video, as I explain why I prefer summer over the other seasons, I am typing my answer. I model the process of writing in French for you. You watch me write and explain my answer all in comprehensible French!
As a learner, you get to re-visit familiar content (in this case, the weather vocabulary), thus deepening your connections and comprehension. Because when you comprehend what your hear and/or read, that is when you start acquiring the new language subconsciously, yeah! #trustheprocess
Download and Read the script of this particular session for free.
After reading my answer, you can then write your own answer to – Quelle est ta saison préférée ? Let it flow and you will be amazed at how much you can produce in French already!
Ali who is a committed member of the Community wrote:
Merci Alice , cela m’aide vraiment quand vous expliquez un mot dans le texte en utilisant un mot similaire.
It really helps me when you are going over the text and you explain a particular word by using a similar word. (translated in case my french didn’t make sense!!
Summer INTENSIVE course
Do you want to reboot your French?
Join me LIVE next week for 2 hours Monday to Friday to boost your French.
The objective is to feel much more comfortable using your French. #youcandothis
This intensive course is designed for advanced beginners. You have had some French experience in the past or you think you are “kind of” a beginner and you want to move on!
Each session is unique. The focus is on comprehension and communicating in French with ease. There will be framing and scaffolding for everyone to understand the class.
Be immersed in French (without travelling to France!).
No pressure to speak! As French comprehension expands and expands, talk will spontaneously appear. ” Speaking is a result of language acquisition and not its cause.” (Krashen, 1985).
All sessions are recorded and posted online.
Alice makes class so fun and interesting and she’s very kind and patient. I’m actually learning, which I’ve never really had before, even with years of French class! The approach used to teach is amazing. So glad to not be writing out verb conjugations! – Julia
Review of the week
Allison who joined us recently, wrote:
I just want to say that I am at an intermediate level, but I am loving these stories. I love how they’ve been building on each other, and I also liked how this version of the story differed from the one I grew up with.
Even though I’m more intermediate, I’ve still been learning little things here and there, like the word for snoring (love the sound effects by the way!).
I’m planning on listening to the entire series from Baby Stage on up, because it’s actually fun! I’ve already been recommending you to friends who are interested in learning French. C’est super! Merci beaucoup
What are you waiting for? Join us now for as little as 5 Euros/month!
Happy French acquisition!
P.S. Got friends, family, colleagues or clients who want to become fluent in French? Share this with them, they’ll thank you for it!