Coucou les French learners,
As I am getting ready to travel to Agen, I have come to realize I am on a MISSION!
Whilst preparing the presentation I will give there about making videos on YouTube (have a sneak peek here!), it came to me that my mission is to give you, French learners, CONTENT.
But not any kind of content… Optimal content.
To deliver Optimal French Input!

I love this new meme by who explains in her blog post: “Our children who speak the language as toddlers don’t learn mechanics of the language first. That comes in time. Is their language perfect? No. Is it understood? Certainly. Does it get refined over time? Yes. Maybe that’s why they have bumper cars.“
C’est quoi l’Input Optimal ?
Dr Krashen and Dr Mason explain Optimal Input this way: “The best form of input, Optimal Input, is not only comprehensible, but also rich, compelling, and presented with little or no accountability. Optimal Input is best provided through rich stories first. Later, students can quickly reach high intermediate to advanced levels through large amounts of Guided Self-Selected Reading and then Self-Selected Reading.”

I am on THIS mission!
Access French content which is not only comprehensible but also rich and compelling so that YOU quickly reach an intermediate level of comprehension.
Remember: Speaking is the RESULT of comprehension so you FIRST need large amounts of INPUT through listening & reading.
My Dear Man and I are working hard to build a database of Optimal French resources. By resources, I mean stories, tales, fables, biographies, articles, poems and video scripts presented with NO accountability. No questions, no vocabulary tests, no grammar practice.
Your “job” is to read and/or listen with the INTENT to understand the content (not the form). ENJOY!
For as little as 4.75EUR/month, read and listen to Optimal French Input.
Each week, MORE NEW resources are added to the site! So you have access to a wide range of readings with audio.
Les suggestions de la semaine encourage you to read and listen to one story a day and a bonus reading/audio for the weekend. As the week goes by, the language in the text becomes more advanced. You also have access to the audio playlist so you can listen to comprehensible French from anywhere!
Have a peak at this week’s suggestions.
We have improved the site with the help of our new members. You can now cancel the membership anytime on your Profile page. You can go back to the previous week suggestions in case you missed it or you want to listen to it again and again! And you can of course comment every story, ask me questions or rate the story. You get to motivate yourself & others!
Take your French to the next level.
Be part of the French learners community.
Become a member. Join here.
Encore plus d’Input Optimal
Have access to MORE Optimal Input for free!
As always, I keep posting one new video each Saturday on YouTube. My goal for the summer series about Portugal is to deliver richer and interesting French input for optimal language acquisition. I plan to continue the series for the whole month of August. So more Franco-Portuguese goodness coming your way!
Last video is about the extraordinary life of Saint Jacques and how centuries later, sa tombe, his tumb was rediscovered and gave birth to the most popular pilgrimage in Europe. All delivered to you in Optimal French!
The script is available when you become a member! Watch the video and read the script or read the script and watch the video.
João just commented on one of my videos: “I’m loving your content! I’m beginning to understand the context of the stories, and I feel that I am already getting familiar with these words and phrases. Thank you!‘
Keep commenting! I love hearing from you <3 Another WONDERFUL news I am exciting to share with you today is that you can now read books for free on the Great Reading Story Project. Claire Walter has so generously devoted her time to write simplified yet rich versions of classical works. I helped her to edit some of the books like Alice au Pays des Merveilles by Lewis Carroll. I am so happy and proud of the result.
Qu’est-ce que tu attends ? What are you waiting for? Lis et écoute ! read and listen!
I’ll see you back in August,
Happy French acquisition!
P.S. Got friends, family, colleagues or clients who want to become fluent in French? Share this with them, they’ll thank you for it!