Coucou les French learners,
j’ai eu le déclic ! I clicked!
I love my journey acquiring German. I have finally found resources on and off line which I enjoy and which I understand. It is no longer a burden to get myself reading or listening to German, I ENJOY it!

“If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing” Coco Chanel.
Vous aimez ” l’aventure ” pour acquérir le Français ? Do you enjoy your journey acquiring French?
J’ai une confession, I have a confession: I don’t spend a lot of time on German each day. In fact I don’t count the time I spend, I count the videos I watch and the books I read.
C’est l’astuce ! This is the trick!
At first, I was counting the minutes I was spending each day acquiring German but it depressed me. It was very tedious to record the time I was spending watching a video or reading a book and sometimes I was even forgetting about it. It was also depressing to see I was only spending 10 minutes a day on getting German input.
So I decided to change it and to record WHAT I was watching or reading. It changes everything! To me, it is MUCH more motivating to find out I have already read 5 German readers and I have watched all of Katrin Schechtman videos on YouTube.
I already mentioned in a previous newsletter that what matters is CONSISTENCY, not time. Of course, you need to find something that really interests you and which you can understand mostly (maybe not 100% but minimum 80%).
At first when you have not yet reached an intermediate level, best is to look for stories (fables, children books, tales, folktales). Our human brains are addicted to stories, everyone loves a good story.
Our brains store the new words effortlessly and permanently because they generate multiple connections. Therefore you become fluent without stress.

Les histoires de Petit Ours Brun
That is WHY my dear man and I launched the membership. BECAUSE we want YOU to have access to good comprehensible stories.
For as little as 4.75EUR/month, you have access to many interesting stories which you can read AND listen to. If you are dyslexic, there is a dyslexic mode which you can use to read the stories at ease. Have a look at all the NEW stories for this week:
When you are not sure what to look for, you have a plan for the week with one story a day. These are this week’s suggestions:
What are you waiting for?
Boost your French. Be part of the French learners community. JOIN now!
Le déclencheur
Le déclencheur, the trigger in my German journey has been the one to one Story Listening sessions with Kathrin Schechtam. Listening to Kathrin telling me wonderful stories in German gave me the confidence and inspiration I needed to keep up acquiring on my own on a daily basis. It is not over and we have started again our online tandem where I tell Kathrin a story in Spanish and she tells me a story in German (have a look at my blog series about #Agen2019. There are many useful takeaways, tips and free resources for YOU there).
Acquiring a journey is a lonely journey and sometimes you need a little push from someone else to help you move on. But above all #trusttheprocess
Whether you are a beginner OR not, le déclencheur may to watch my stories on YouTube. I have a new series starting soon!
It is about Marie, l’artiste et son chien Médor. Back in 2017, when we started making videos, we were complete beginners! The quality was not good enough. That is why we thought of making a new series with old & new adventures and MUCH better quality. We are also adding a cultural touch to the stories and you will learn interesting facts about Paris and about France.
I can’t wait for you to WATCH them!
In the meantime, watch or re-watch Marie te Médor avant Noël
The scripts (both in the present and in the past tenses) are available to purchase here OR to download FOR FREE when you become a member.
Happy French acquisition!

“I love it so much, the time left…. I want to laugh, run, cry, speak, and see, and believe, dance, shout, eat, swim, jump, disobey, I haven’t finish, fly, sing, leave, leave again, suffer, love. I love it so much the time left.” Serge Reggiani.
P.S. I have been working on an exciting project together with author of French readers, Theresa Marrama! Soon the audiobook of her cute reader Léo et Anton will be available on the membership. Purchase the book here.