Coucou les French learners,
As February begins, France celebrates the return of light. Days grow longer, and the air is filled with the promise of spring.
This month is also marked by La Chandeleur, or Candlemas, celebrated on February 2nd. Historically a religious festival, La Chandeleur became known as “le jour des crêpes,” where families gather to make and enjoy these golden, round treats that represent the sun and renewal.
Time to light up your French with ” Une crêpe délicieuse “!
A New Series of Stories Await
My dear Man & I are thrilled to announce the launch of a new series of videos that are free and accessible to all!
The first video premiered this past Saturday, telling the whimsical story of a crêpe embarking on numerous adventures.
Alongside the video, you’ll find its transcript and audio available on our website, perfect for learners at every level. Click here, it’s FREE!
When narrating the story on the board, I use Story Listening.
How to Watch and Acquire French
- Relax and Listen: Don’t stress about understanding every single word. Focus on getting the overall gist of the story.
- Use Visuals and Context: Pay attention to any visuals I provide, as they’re there to support your comprehension. Use the context of the story to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.
- Immerse yourself fully in its narrative: focus on understanding the main idea.
- Narrate the story: after watching the video, try to tell the story with your own words. Narration involves retelling what you’ve understood, either aloud or in writing. If you are a total French beginner, tell what you understood from the story in your native language.
- Enjoy the Process: Story Listening is meant to be enjoyable!
A Learner’s Testimonial
Don’t just take our word for it! Here’s what Lo Rasmus shared on Trustpilot:
Learning a new language can be frustrating, but with this approach, I find my vocabulary and comprehension building quickly and easily! It’s only been a week. I really can’t believe it. I have a DEGREE in Spanish. It took me four years. Wish I knew this method existed back then. Mind blown! Also, it’s FUN, not a chore. Highly recommend. Worth every penny.
Let this February be your month of light and French acquisition.
CLARITY: progress step by step through stages and make French become clear to you. Understand French with ease.
COMMUNITY: meet weekly and keep yourself accountable through the most caring and invested community. Think French naturally.
TRANSFORMATION: feel empowered. Be fluent in French. Transform yourself and get a new soul. Speak French freely.