Coucou les French learners,
As we step into the new year, many of us are brimming with resolutions and aspirations.
However, instead of focusing on grand resolutions that often fall by the wayside, consider the power of forming new habits.
Habits are the building blocks of lasting change, and they’re much more achievable than sweeping resolutions.
Unlike resolutions, which can feel overwhelming and all-encompassing, habits are small, manageable actions that we can integrate into your daily lives. They don’t require constant willpower; instead, they become automatic over time.
To start a new French habit, begin with something small and specific.
Choose a trigger, an existing part of your routine, and attach your new habit to it. For example, to acquire French, you might decide to listen to a French story every morning while making breakfast.
Consistency is key: repeat your new habit daily, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
Remember, it’s better to do a little every day than to do a lot sporadically.
Une nouvelle habitude en Français
Pour commencer une nouvelle habitude, il faut d’abord se poser trois questions essentielles : pourquoi, quoi et comment.
Pourquoi voulez-vous acquérir le Français ? Qu’est-ce que vous voulez accomplir exactement ? Et comment allez-vous vous y prendre ?
Commencez une nouvelle habitude française dès aujourd’hui.
Prenez un moment dans votre journée pour écouter et lire une histoire de notre programme. Commencez par une histoire facile, courte et simple à comprendre.
Cliquez ici pour sélectionner une histoire !
Après avoir lu et écouté l’histoire, choisissez une ou plusieurs phrases de cette histoire qui vous plaisent et répétez-les.
Par exemple, lisez et écoutez “Roule Galette“, une histoire amusante pour enfants remplie de répétitions.
Ensuite, répétez la petite chanson que la galette chante chaque fois qu’elle rencontre un animal.
« Je suis la galette, la galette,
Je suis faite avec le blé ramassé dans le grenier,
On m’a mise à refroidir,
Mais j’ai mieux aimé courir !
Attrape-moi si tu peux ! »
Cette histoire est disponible gratuitement sur notre site. Cliquez ici!
Voici les réponses aux questions initiales :
Pourquoi ? Pour gagner en confiance en parlant français.
Quoi ? Parler français sans stress.
Comment ? Par la répétition de phrases que je comprends, je commence à parler français.
Thank You for Your Support
Your enthusiasm and dedication inspire us to keep improving and expanding our offerings!
Listening to and reading through stories has significantly improved my French comprehension. Adding shadowing and active recall to the mix makes the learning process incredibly effective. The price and value are truly remarkable. I’ve also watched Alice on her YouTube channel and really enjoyed her teaching style. She has a deep understanding of the challenges people face when learning French, which makes her lessons even more engaging and relatable.
My dear Man & I are committed to providing you with an effective and enjoyable French experience.
CLARITY: progress step by step through stages and make French become clear to you. Understand French with ease.
COMMUNITY: meet weekly and keep yourself accountable through the most caring and invested community. Think French naturally.
TRANSFORMATION: feel empowered. Be fluent in French. Transform yourself and get a new soul. Speak French freely.