Coucou les French learners,
Success in speaking French spontaneously requires a positive mindset and persistence. Just as an athlete needs consistent training sessions, speaking French demands regular practice so that it becomes natural.
Of course, before speaking French, you must understand French. You start to speak when you are ready, meaning when you understand French well.
When you join us, you should feel the need to speak when you reach the Teen Stage. The Baby and the Infant Stage will help you understand French effortlessly, just by listening to compelling stories. Once you can understand a large number of popular storie, fables and tales, you can feel you want to start speaking French.

Watch the first session of the Baby Stage to start understanding French with no effort. Read and listen to your first story in French for free!
This is when you can apply a simple and effective technique to help you start speaking smoothly, with no frustration. Some of you already practice this technique with me during our premium coaching sessions and it works!
Give your full attention
Before speaking, give your full attention to what is being said to you. Speaking is often part of an interaction between two or more people. Speaking involves listening first. In order to respond appropriately to someone, you need to fully understand what is being said.
Focus entirely on the speaker, avoiding distractions and interruptions. Maintain eye contact and show interest through your body language.
Fully concentrate with the intent to understand what the other has to say to you. It should be easy for you because that is what you have been doing with me when you watched my sessions and listened to my stories!
Then try to remember what was said. Try to retain the key points of the conversation. This not only shows respect for the speaker but also helps you respond more accurately.
Show that you’re listening by using non-verbal cues to indicate your engagement, like nodding, smiling or making eye contact. Then, when it’s your turn to speak, instead of directly responding to a question by yes or no, rephrase what was said.
At first, you can just repeat word for word what was said. At the end, add verbal cues like – is that it ? – isn’t it ? – correct ?
Then when you are more confident using your own words, you can try rephrasing what was said with other words or expressions.
So here is an example :
– J’aime faire du yoga.
– Tu aimes faire du yoga, c’est ça ?
– Oui, c’est ça. Mais j’aime faire du yoga seule à la maison. Je n’aime pas aller à des cours de yoga parce que je ne peux pas bien méditer.
– Tu ne peux pas méditer quand tu vas un cours de yoga avec d’autres personnes, c’est bien ça ?
– Oui, c’est exactement ça.
By rephrasing what the other said and by adding verbal cues to check you understood well, you are not only repeating good comprehensible input, you are also making the person in front of you feel listened to. In turn, that person will be willing to listen to you even if you struggle.
You gain confidence speaking #trustheprocess #youcandoit
Practice on your own
Train on your own like an athlete. It’s easy. Watch one my sessions or listen to My Dear Man reading a story. Start with a very simple story like a Baby story.
When you watch or listen to a story, at the end of one statement:
- press “pause”
- repeat the statement word by word or in your own words
- add a verbal cue.
Here are some typical French verbal cues you can use:
– … c’est ça ?
– … c’est bien ça ?
– … n’est-ce pas ?
– Ah bon ?! …
Try with the Infant Stage first session. You can watch for free! You can start with:
– Il y a une fille qui s’appelle Catherine, n’est-ce pas ?
Ready to give it a try! Let’s go!
Maggy shared on Trustpilot:
Very nice contents for learning French effortlessly & joyfully… Contents are very organized and can be marked as played or unplayed… Alice is a wonderful teacher; she & her husband made a great effort to bring such an easy and amusing experience of learning through the best collection of stories and historical events that widened your knowledge of French language, history and culture.
What are you waiting for? Join us now and make real progress in French! You will gain:
CLARITY: progress step by step through stages and make French become clear to you.
COMMUNITY: meet weekly and keep yourself accountable through the most caring and invested community.
TRANSFORMATION: feel empowered. Be fluent in French. Transform yourself and get a new soul.
P.S. Got friends, family, colleagues and clients who want to become fluent in French? Share this with them, they’ll thank you for it!
P.P.S. Do you need more? You can still join my premium coaching programm. You have until December! Have direct 1-1 contact with me. Click here to schedule a Zoom meeting to talk about your needs!
P.P.P.S. The Senior Stage introduction and first session are available! Get ready to understand French grammar with no effort!