Coucou les French learners,
As 2021 is coming to an end, let’s stop and reflect on what my Dear Man and I have learned these past 365 days. As you may know I do follow American entrepreneur, Mari Forleo who helps review this year with 3 simple questions.
1. What are we most proud of?
My Dear Man and I have seen the French learners community grow into a loving and supporting group of human beings. It is such a joy to read what is going on in the Community Chat. New members being warmly welcomed by old members. Thoughtful discussions about stories and culture taking place. Useful French resources being shared.
Our gratitude goes towards Diane and Tina who have taken over the Live Saturday Community Hour followed by the French Challenge Hour. Diane and Tina give their hearts and souls to get our members to meet up online. Each Saturday, they show up to play fun games such as charades to retain French words. They also organize Show&Tell in French and they read the French stories together. Thanks to you and many other dear members, Christine, Deb, Dave, Graham, Kay, Rosemary, Dawn, Mike… The community is getting stronger by the day. Merci du fond du coeur !
If you haven’t watched Tina’s motivation break yet, go and watch it now! Tina will boost you on your French journey!
2. What was our biggest lesson?
Having a strong and caring community of human beings who have an appetite for learning and discovering a new language and a new culture is THE MOST important.
Of course, we strive to deliver THE BEST French content. Our aim is to help our members acquire French efficiently and joyfully. But the cement is the community. Our dear members willing to share their French journey. It is THE BEST.
3. What are we ready to let go of?
To be honest, we thought we would finish the Infant Stage this year. The Infant Stage is the self paced online course specifically designed to help you acquire the foundations of the French language via compelling stories. The Infant Stage follows the Baby Stage.
Well… We have not finished yet BUT there are already 25 sessions with exclusive videos, audio and scripts to help you acquire the most frequent French structures like avoir besoin de, il faut, devoir, avoir envie de…
We decided to favor quality over speed. We want to provide THE BEST and My Dear Man is working hard to make comprehensible and compelling videos. He also records himself reading each new story so you can listen to different voices and ways of speaking French.
Comprehension leads to acquisition. That is why is it so important to take the time to make stories, audio and videos that are excellent.
We are ready to keep up giving you THE BEST French stories!
What about you?
What have you learned these past 365 days about your French journey?
What’s one thing you did that you’re proud of?
What’s one mistake you made and the lesson you learned?
What’s one limiting story you’re ready to let go of before the New Year?
La Pause Café
La pause café held its last episode of the year. And it is available as a podcast to listen on the go!
Episode #27 features Alike Last with whom I already had a conversation 3 years ago. Alike is Dutch and she teaches French in Holland with her colleagues at Vrolijk & Frans (Funny & French). Alike also sells French, Spanish and German readers specifically written to language readers on her online shop.
During our conversation, Alike explained how she discovered teaching a language with comprehensible input and how the French language can be difficult to learners form the Netherlands. We also talk about Christmas traditions and her favorite books.
This is French optimal input: rich, abundant and compelling input!
Christine commented:
2022 live classes
Do you need more accountability to keep up with your French?
I have your back! Starting next year on January 10, choose from three weekly classes for three different levels!
Get a massive dose of rich comprehensible input. Co-create and listen to compelling stories. Engage in conversations about your interests.
There will be framing and scaffolding for everyone to understand the class. The goal is to develop fluency as well as the ability to process the language spontaneously.
All classes are recorded, so you can watch at your leisure if you need to miss a class.
Can’t make it LIVE? You can purchase the recordings and readings only and go through them at your own time.

Not sure about joining next year? Binge watch the 2021 Fall replays!
Happy French acquisition!
P.S. Got friends, family, colleagues or clients who want to become fluent in French? Share this with them, they’ll thank you for it!
P.P.S Have you read and listen to our new eBook yet?
Marie and her dog, Médor are inseparable until one morning Marie wakes up but cannot find Médor. Where is Médor ? Marie sets out on a quest in Montmartre, Paris to find her beloved dog. Will she finally find Médor ?
It is a comprehensible story written in the present tense with unique characters and exciting twists to keep you wanting more! Rich vocabulary and structures are repeated throughout the stories to provide optimal input. They will help you acquire French the natural way.