Coucou les French learners,
Enfin ! At last! Je suis de retour, I am back!
I am now in Portugal, enjoying a new life and acquiring a new language too: Portuguese. I keep reminding myself that “the journey is the reward“.

The most important is not the destination, it is the journey
I know that in order to acquire Portuguese, I am going to have to LISTEN first, to listen to a massive dose of input which is comprehensible to me. I am going to READ too. Then, I will be able to speak.
Rendez-vous à Agen
Judith Dubois who teaches English in Agen, France answered this good question on Quora: “Apart from speaking and reading books, how do I improve my speaking and writing skills in English? Is there a website available where someone could correct me? How long would it take to master these skills?“.
Her answer is straightforward and can be applied to any other languages: “Your ability to understand spoken English (or French) will improve if you listen to compelling and easily comprehensible recordings. And your spoken English (or French) will reflect your level in listening comprehension.”
Judith Dubois also happens to organize the summer conference in Agen when amazing teachers meet from all over the world. During weekday mornings, the participants can observe experienced teachers working with students in Language Labs. This summer, I will be a student in the Latin class.
Why don’t you join me and continue to acquire French with fantastic teacher Sabrina Janczak? You can attend the French classes in the mornings, have lunch with me and other like minded teachers and students. In the afternoon, you can visit Agen and the region. Lessons are from Monday 22nd to Friday 26th July. They start at 8:30 a.m each morning till noon for as little as 90 Euros for the whole week!

Sabrina Janczak giving French comprehensible input to learners in Agen last year.
And if you want to boost your French proficiency to the next level, there will be an immersion French class, the week after the conference with Sabrina Janczak for 345 Euros or $390 (After May 1 the price for the course will increase). Have a look at how the week is organized here:
If you are interested, contact me directly. I hope to see you!!!
Les bonnes habitudes
Good habits to acquire French or any other languages are easy to follow: LISTEN & READ.
Are you watching the series of 10 stories based on the book by Adriana Ramirez, translated and adapted into French by Kristin Arnason “Learning French with Comprehensible Input Through Storytelling. First Year French. Student’s Book“? It is the best way to listen to comprehensible French for free!
The latest video is about une fille paresseuse, a lazy girl who tries to have des habitudes saines, healthy habits.
I LOVE to hear from you: let me know if you have good habits? Or if you are lazy? Tu as des bonnes habitudes ? Tu es paresseux ou paresseuse ?
I am here to help you acquire French effortlessly.
Happy French acquisition!
P.S. Got friends, family, colleagues or clients who want to become fluent in French? Share this with them, they’ll thank you for it
P.P.S. Yearly and monthly subscription to over 150 exclusive stories and podcasts will be available soon this year.