Coucou les French learners,
As a beginner in your French journey, you may think it’s not realistic to expect to understand a language effortlessly. Well… I am here to prove you wrong!
Our goal here is to help you understand French with no effort. Why? Because when you understand French, you can start having a meaningful conversation in French.
You’ve got to understand in order to speak French spontaneously!
Here is how you can improve your understanding of French with ease! #trustheprocess #youcandoit
Start small
Start with basic vocabulary and grammar. Build a strong foundation by understanding basic vocabulary and grammar rules. Focus on high-frequency words and essential grammar structures. As you progress, you’ll find it easier to understand more complex sentences and conversations.
Our self-paced courses help you understand French step-by-step. You start listening to stories with a lot of repetitions. These stories contain the most frequent words and structures. This is the Baby Stage. It has 31 sessions with videos, transcripts and audio so you understand French simple stories. Watch the first session for free!
You then progress onto more stages to understand more complex stories. When you reach the Teen Stag, you can understand AND answer questions about daily topics. Watch the first session about my typical day for free!
Look at all the stages to understand French step-by-step.
As you understand more and more words and structures, you reach the Adult Stage. In each session, you understand how France was built and you listen to anedoctes and juicy gossips about the kings, queens and French heroes. Do you know who discovered the amazing Lascaux grotto? Find out here for free!
Heather said to me:
I am looking forward to every new session of the Adult Stage. It is like watching an episode of a highly anticipated series on Netflix!
Use comprenhensible stories
Listen to stories you can understand. By that, I mean stories you can understand overall. Do not expect yourself to understand every word straight away. Instead, try to understand the gist of story.
The more listen to stories, the more you understand. #inputaloneissufficient
As well as our step-by-step self-paced courses, our stories help you develop a better understanding of French in different contexts. You can read and listen to our stories at the same time to deepen your comprehension. If you are a beginner, you can choose from our Baby Stories because they contain lots of repetitions and simple sentences.
If you feel you can understand quite a lot of French, choose from our compelling Teen Stories.
In fact, you have hundreds of stories to choose from! From beginner to advanced to get you to understand French with ease!
Practice active listening
When listening to French, actively engage with the content. Try to identify keywords, phrases, and structures. Pay attention to intonation and pronunciation. This active approach will train your ears to pick up the nuances of the language. In case you missed it, read my newsletter about listening in order to speak!
By incorporating these tips into your language learning routine, you can significantly improve your comprehension of French over time.
Be patient and persistent: Learning a language takes time. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories along the way. I often tell my dear learners, to applaud themselves when they understand a poem or a complicated story.
Don’t be shy! Tell yourself ” BRAVO !” and clapp your hands 10 times in French: un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix !
Stay motivated and maintain a positive attitude, as this will make the learning process more enjoyable and sustainable.
Join us live on Monday! The French Accountability Hour is happening every single week on Mondays.
If you’re looking for a kick in the pants or just want a fun interaction – this is it! Join us here!
Gain New Friends and Get Involved with the French Learners Community. #youarenotalone
Increase your vocabulary and comprehension #storyispower
Reduce your stress #relax
Communicate with real people in French #youcandothis
Review of the week
Przemek asked in the Community Chat:
I really enjoy all lessons. I have started with the Baby Stage. How long should it last? Should I watch just once and move forward as I am doing now? Or keep reapeting a lesson a couple of times? Those lessons are amazing within four days I’ve watched 21 sessions.
Here is my answer:
Bravo Przemek, c’est fantastique ! You can watch the videos as long as you enjoy them. Acquisition happens subconsciously in your brain. Do you understand the gist of the stories? If yes, that is good enough to acquire French. You can continue to watch more videos or if you enjoyed a particular story, you can listen to it again. Your goal is to understand what I am saying. Once you understand, that means you know the words and structures. Eventually, you will start to speak spontaneously.
What are you waiting for? Join us now and make real progress in French! You will gain:
CLARITY: progress step by step through stages and make French become clear to you.
COMMUNITY: meet weekly and keep yourself accountable through the most caring and invested community.
TRANSFORMATION: feel empowered. Be fluent in French. Transform yourself and get a new soul.