here is your weekly dose of French input because getting input is the first and only step to acquire a language naturally and effortlessly!
Not convinced? Have a read at this article in the Business Insider entitled: “How to learn a new language while making dinner, running errands, or paying bills” where Veronique Greenwood highlights two recent studies that suggest you can get better at a foreign language simply by listening to it, without speaking it yourself.
So acquiring a language is truly accessible to anyone and since you can read this post, it means that all you need to do is to listen and to read in French as much as you can. Speaking the language will come when you feel in your soul and in your brain that you are ready.
But how can you find listening and reading input which is comprehensible and compelling to you?
Well, this is what this weekly post is about: to provide you with French comprehensible and compelling input so that you can start acquiring the language and become fluent and proficient.
Have an Orangina!
The topic this week is about drinks because everyone needs a drink or un petit coup à boire once in a while!
Do you know what an Orangina is?
It is a typical French drink made from water and citrus pulp (10% from concentrated orange, 2% from a combination of concentrated lemon, concentrated mandarin, and concentrated grapefruit juices. It was invented at a trade fair in France, developed by Dr. Augustin Trigo Mirallès from Spain, and first sold in French Algeria by Léon Beton in 1935. Today it is a popular beverage in Europe, Japan, northern Africa, and to a lesser extent in North America. If you don’t know this drink, you definitely have to try it when you come over to France!
Orangina is about shaking the bottle: ” Il faut secouer la bouteille d’Orangina pour bien mélanger la pulpe et le jus d’orange. ”
You can find out more about this special French drink by reading about its intriguing history here. (it is more advanced but have a go and see how much you can understand.)
By Jane Mejdahl from Copenhagen, Denmark – Orangina, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link
A magical story!
Now, listen to this funny story about a University student called Eric. Eric a très soif, he is very thirsty et il veut absolument boire un Orangina and he desperately wants to drink an Orangina!
You will acquire:
Il a soif = he is thirsty
Il veut boire = he wants to drink
Il boit = he drinks
Je voudrais = I would like
Il / elle dit = s/he says
Il va = he goes
Did you enjoy this story? Which drink do you like to have when you are very thirsty? Make sure to leave a comment on Youtube or below this post.
Soft drinks fountains
Est-ce que tu aimes les boissons gazeuses ? Do you like soft drinks? The French government thinks soft drinks are unhealthy and les fontaines à sodas or soda vending machines are now forbidden in restaurants and cafes. You can read more about it here:
Mary Glasgow Magazines publish weekly French comprehensible articles like the one you just read and you can also listen to it being read. You can even choose which level (beginner, pre-intermediate, intermediate or advanced) you want to read it. C’est génial, non ? It is great, isn’t it?
Happy French acquisition and see you next week!
A bientôt !
P.S.: subscribe to my newsletter to get your weekly dose of French input