I used this lovely story which I found on the TPRStorytelling website:
Speaking: First I wanted to introduce Latin America to my grade 7 students (12-13 years old) and to teach them vocabulary related to geography. Therefore I placed a big map of South America on the classroom board and asked several questions to situate the countries “¿Dónde está Chile? / ¿Está al sur/ al norte / al este / al oeste de Argentina? / ¿Con qué paises limita Argentina? / ¿Cómo se llama la capital de Ecuador?“. Not only the students practiced the key structures to situate countries and cities, they also developed their geography skills and got to know better the American continent.
We then reviewed the nationalities looking at patterns : peruano / chileno / mexicano …. You can download the nationalities worksheet here which I found on the Spansih4teachers website.
Listening: when students could situate the different countries of Central and South America, I then introduced the key structures and verbs of the story: “puede / sirve / tiene hipos“. I actually found several Quizlet flashcards to practice the key vocabulary of the story:
I then told the story asking the students lots of questions to repeat and reinforce the key structures and vocabulary they had just acquired. You can use those pictures to tell the story: CMas-ch6-ST-mainstorypics
Speaking: in pairs and with a map of South America and puppet fingers, students had to re-tell the story. Of course, they could change some facts and characters but they could not write any notes down. They key structures were written on the board and they had to remember the sequences of the story. They did a great job at re-telling the story just by “head and heart” and not with any written notes.
Reading: I then gave them the story to read with comprehension questions which you can download here: CMas-ch6-ST-mainstory-reading-questions
Writing: the final task was to write their own version of the story which they did so well!!!