French the natural way: keep it up!
Coucou les French learners,
To be honest, watching and hearing my own children speaking Portuguese fluently and sounding like natives, makes me feel discouraged sometimes. I struggle to speak Portuguese fluently, to let it flow!
I was reading this interesting article about the best age to learn a language.
abisproduction accountability acquire acquiring advanced beginner authentic autonomouslearner becomeamember cicommunity community comprehensiblefrench comprehensibleinput comprehension course dailyfrench dailyreading fle fluency freewrite frenchacquisitionforall frenchcommunity frenchculture frenchfluency frenchforall frenchjourney frenchreaders iceberg icebergimage improve improvement inputaloneissufficient intermediate journey keepgoing keepmotivated language language acquisition learner lefrancaisensemble listen massiveinput motivated motivation motiver natural online learner process produce production productive progress reading rester-motive selftaught slow french speakfrench teenstage tips total physical response tpr