Results for tag: art
advanced author avancé bio climat climate course culture culturefrancaise explanation explication France French monarchy french painters frenchculture frenchhistory frenchwriter histoiredefrance history intermédiaire intermédiaire avancé intermediate king lireenfrançais literature littéraire littérature man meaning meaningful paint painter painting paris past past tense peintre peinture practice real real life relationship religion religious rich content rich vocabulary roidefrance scientifique scientist scripts self french senior-stage upper intermediate versailles video
Senior Stage – Vidéo 4 – Le portrait de François Ier
advanced avancé bio biographie biography culture culturefrancaise enfrance famouspeople France French history frenchculture frenchhistory frenchvocabulaire frenchwriter heroe histoiredefrance history intermédiaire intermédiaire avancé intermediate Italy king painter painting passé-composé passécomposé past pasttense portrait power powerful present present perfect real life reallife religion renaissance richvocabulary senior-stage true life story truelife truestory upper intermediate war
Le Château de Chambord – Deuxième partie – Les découvertes incroyables
active listener advanced beginner adventure artist artiste audio audiobook aventure beginner book business captivating castle chambord chocolate clues débutant débutant avancé easy enigma famille family findings France frenchbook frenchculture frenchhistory heritage histoiredefrance indices leonarddevinci listen livre livreaudio loire mystery novice novice high novicehigh podcast present present tense vinci
Atalante et les pommes d’or
adultstories ancientgreece apple babybear bear débutant avancé forest futur simple god goddess grec grece greceantique greece greek greekmyth hunting infant intermédiaire intermédiaire avancé intermediate marriage moral morale myth mythe mythegrec mythologie mythology novicehigh passé-composé past past tense present present perfect present tense race richinput richvocabulary run running tale upper beginner upper intermediate
French the natural way: trust your brain!
Coucou les French Learners,
Do you remember the saying? En avril, ne te découvre pas d’un fil. I think the English version of it is “Till April’s dead, change not a thread”. It is especially true right now as it is freezing cold here, in Portugal.
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French the natural way: build a strong foundation
Coucou les French learners,
Let’s celebrate! Célébrons ensemble !
My Dear Man and I have finished the Infant Stage – 30 sessions to build a strong French foundation. The Infant Stage comes after the Baby Stage which includes 31 sessions to start acquiring the French basics.
abisproduction apprendre audiobook autonomouslearner becomeamember bookclub brain brain work cicommunity clubdelecture comprehend comprehensiblefrench comprehensibleinput comprehension dailyfrench fle fluentinfrench frenchcommunity frenchforall frenchonline frenchreaders frenchwithstories inputaloneissufficient intermediate keeplearning keepmotivated language acquisition learner lefrancaisensemble lisenfrançais listentostories live motivationbreak nouvelle orléans online french online learner onlineclasses optimalfrench optimalinput pleasurereading reader reading readingispower recordings selftaught slow french stories thinkfrench thinkthat understand understanding
French the natural way: prendre l’habitude
Coucou les French learners,
Laissez les bon temps rouler !
This week we celebrated Mardi Gras with my online French students. In the advanced beginner and the intermediate class we talked about Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
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