Results for tag: beginner
Lecture facile — Anton la souris
Lecture facile — Rhumus le rat
Vern et ses amis
French the natural way: Start the New Year with French!
Coucou les French learners,
Bonne année 2025 ! Nous espérons que cette nouvelle année vous apportera joie, santé et succès.
Chez “Le Français naturellement“, nous commençons l’année “sur les chapeaux de roue” !
accountability accountable acquirefrench active listener activelistener activelistening advanced advanced beginner advanced french amusing bookclub celebrate classesdefrançais clubdelecture conversation expressfluency expressfluency2025 feedback feelgood frenchclass frenchclasses frenchculture frenchnews guidance happy new year happynewyear infolettre interact interaction interactive intermediate lecture lessons live session liveclass motivation newyear novice novicehigh observe online teaching progress speak speakfrench stayontrack stepstospeaking success teaching train training upper beginner youcandoit youcandothis zoomclass
French the natural way: Un message personnel de Noël
Coucou les French learners,
A very Merry Christmas to all of you! Joyeux Noël !
As we approach this joyous season, my Dear Man & I want to extend our warmest wishes to each and every one of you. In these times,
abisproduction accountability accountable activelistening advanced beginner advent advent2024 autonomouslearner avantnoel avent2024 becomeamember beginnerplus bookclub boost booster chrétien christian christmas christmas spirit christmascountdown christmaspreparation classes cocahing comprehensiblefrench comprehensibleinput comprehension consistency consistent dailyfrench determined discipline disciplined easyreader engage engaged enjoytheride event fle frenchbeginner frenchforall frenchreader frenchreaders fun habits inputaloneissufficient intensive interact jelisdoncjesuis journey keepmotivated language acquisition learner lefrancaisensemble lire lireenfrançais lisenfrançais listen motivate motivated motivation motivationbreak narration natural novice novice high novicehigh online learner partnership plaisirdelire pleasure pleasurereading pray prayer premium coaching reader readforpleasure reading slow french training upper beginner
French news: Last Newsletter of 2024, Joyeuses Fêtes !
Coucou les membres de la communauté,
This is our final newsletter of 2024, and what a remarkable year it has been!
My Dear Man & I want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to each of you.
Your incredible contributions,
abisproduction accountability accountable activelistening advanced beginner advent advent2024 autonomouslearner avantnoel avent2024 becomeamember beginnerplus bookclub boost booster christmas christmas spirit christmascountdown christmaspreparation classes cocahing comprehensiblefrench comprehensibleinput comprehension consistency consistent dailyfrench determined discipline disciplined easyreader engage engaged enjoytheride event fle frenchbeginner frenchcommunity frenchforall frenchreader frenchreaders fun habits inputaloneissufficient intensive interact jelisdoncjesuis journey keepmotivated language acquisition learner lefrancaisensemble lire lireenfrançais lisenfrançais listen motivate motivated motivation motivationbreak narration natural novice novice high novicehigh online learner partnership plaisirdelire pleasure pleasurereading premium coaching reader readforpleasure reading slow french training upper beginner