Results for tag: bookreview
French the natural way: tap into your inner child
Coucou les French learners,
L’automne est bien là, fall is here. Last year, My Dear Man and I published a sweet poem about this special season entitled Jour pluvieux d’automne, written by Michel Beau. Our community members met last Saturday to read and comment the poem together.
French the natural way: le plaisir de lire
Coucou les French learners,
The community is getting big and and strong! Our first live book club was a success! Members from all the world shared some amazing stories about Le Louvre and where they come from. Watch the replay in case you missed it.
French the natural way: les deux ingrédients
Coucou les French learners,
C’est presque la fin du mois de janvier, it is nearly the end of January.
Are you keeping with your resolutions or objectives?
French the natural way: get Frenchfidence
Coucou les French learners,
I love meeting my learners each day (except Wednesday which is my “recharging” day) because they bring so much fun and joy.
Last year around the same time, I started the “Meet the learners” series. You got to meet: