Results for tag: calm
French the natural way: breathe!
Coucou les French learners,
Bonjour le mois d’août, hello August!
This weekend, after a full-on week presenting at Agen Workshop Global Online, I had a wonderful barbecue with my family. I tried something new: les pastèques au barbecue,
French the natural way: détends-toi, ça va bien se passer !
Coucou les French learners,
C’est le début de la semaine, it is the start of the week and to start off on the right foot, pour commencer du bon pied, RELAX!
The Affective Filter
How to improve attention by breathing consciously?
Conscious breathing exercises are a big part of yoga and I must admit that at first they were not my favorite part. I started doing yoga because I wanted to get back in shape after giving birth to my third child and I wanted to exercise.
Restorative yoga before bedtime
One thing that I did achieve during my maternity leave is to get back into shape. In fact, I have never felt so good and so fit in years! First I started to do yoga on a regular basis but I noticed I needed more cardio workout so I decided I would have a go at running.