Results for tag: chansonfrancaise
French the natural way: évidemment !
Coucou les French learners,
j’ai survécu à la canicule ! I survived the heat wave… Well, to be honest I did not have to survive it because where I live now there was no heat wave, pas de canicule ! J’ai de la chance !
French the natural way: c’est bon pour le moral !
Coucou Les French learners,
Comment ça va ? Vous avez le moral ? Ou vous avez le moral dans les chaussettes ?
How is it going? You feel good? or you are feeling low (your spirits are in your socks)?
French the natural way: les deux ingrédients
Coucou les French learners,
C’est presque la fin du mois de janvier, it is nearly the end of January.
Are you keeping with your resolutions or objectives?
French the natural way: octobre (and more about grammar)
Coucou les French learners,
C’est déjà le mois d’octobre ! It is already October! Le temps passe vite ! time goes fast!
I am not ready.
Une chanson sur l’automne
There is this song by popular French singer Francis Cabrel (I just found out he was born in Agen!) entitled Octobre which is simply beautiful: