Results for tag: children story
French the natural way: joyeux anniversaire !
Coucou les French learners,
Quelle semaine ! What a week!
Input alone is sufficient
My lovely grade 12 IB Spanish learners passed their oral examinations on Thursday. Instead of going through long lists of vocabulary related to the topics they had to talk about,
French the natural way: the only cure is more input!
Coucou les French learners,
Last night, I was tutoring a 12 years old French student and she had to learn a list of vocabulary about all the different rooms in a school: la cantine, le gymnase, la salle des profs, le laboratoire… Instead of having the learner memorize each word and repeat them after me,
French the natural way: la Toussaint
Coucou les French learners,
This week was special in France. Not because of Halloween, but because of La Toussaint which literally means All Saints Day. France being traditionally and historically a Catholic country, the French celebrate all the saints, known and unknown. In the Western Christian practice,
French the natural way: tips to start reading
Coucou les French learners,
I have just finished reading such an impactful post about language acquisition. Jody Noble, who is a fanstastic language teacher has been discussing the myth around language practice.
Courtesy of Compelling Input Productions
She writes: “Why do people continue to believe that PRACTICE is the key?
French the natural way: la rentrée !
Coucou les French learners,
In France, the summer holidays are coming to an end. La Rentrée is approaching!!!
La Rentrée is a word of utmost importance for the French, it basically means the Return with a capital R!
French the natural way: Read!
“The path of pleasure is the only path. The path of pain does not work in language acquisition.” Stephen Krashen.
How is the May Challenge going?
One of my learners loves to read and she wants to read interesting books in French.