Results for tag: choice
Le choix d’une femme
d’après un conte des frères Grimm
Un jeune paysan désirait se marier. Il connaissait trois sœurs qui étaient également belles. Elles étaient toutes les trois si belles que le paysan était embarrassé. Il ne savait pas laquelle des trois choisir. Comme il était indécis, Il a demandé conseil à sa mère,
Homework “a la carte”!
As far as homework is concerned, I have been trying something new which has been successful so far. Basically I let my students do what they want as long as it is in Spanish!
At the start of the year I told them that they will acquire the Spanish language,
Healthier breakfast
I am trying to have healthier breakfasts. My biggest problem is that I am not really hungry in the morning and I do not feel like cooking something up. The fact is I am not a morning person and my dear man (thank you so much for that!) does all the breakfast prep.