Results for tag: classroom
Professional development at your fingertips!
I think I am becoming a pro at multitasking! To be clear I am not fond of household chores, I find them so boring and I always end up thinking I am wasting my “brain time” and could do something much more productive!
The lion’s breath or how to refocus
Last year when I was teaching Spanish, I became a fan of brain breaks. According to Dr. Lori Desautels: “They refocus our neural circuitry with either stimulating or quieting practices that generate increased activity in the prefrontal cortex, where problem solving and emotional regulation occur.
Back to school!
I am officially back to work after a wonderful holiday with my family in France and in Spain. It has actually been more than a week that I am back to school but it has been a shock to the system (getting back to the routine after more than a year of maternity leave!).
Spanish story script number 3: ¿Dónde está mi cuaderno pequeňo?
Here is another Spanish story script which follows the last two stories about little Pedro. It gives an excuse to go through the objects in the school bag again and it introduces another key question “¿Dónde está?” as well as two -ar ending verbs “
Yoga during homeroom time
I have become a yoga fan because it has benefited me a lot during this past year. I can see the benefits for anyone, especially youngsters who are going through difficult stages in their lives: body changing, hormones kicking, big exam time… When I have a homeroom (or form in English from England!) next year,
Another story script in Spanish: ¡No es aceptable!
Following my first story script in Spanish to practice classroom instructions, I have just finished creating another one which reinforces classroom intructions and which introduces one important question word: ¿Por qué?. It also introduces other key phrases from the Michel Thomas method such as es así and lo.