Results for tag: communication
French the natural way: 3 strategies for natural conversations!
Coucou les French learners,
As the French Beginner Intensive Week ended, I got this question coming up:
How can I improve my conversational skills?
Sign up for our next Intensive Week! There are still a few spots available!
French the natural way: high frequency matters!
Coucou les French learners,
I have just published a cultural video about apples in Normandie. I LOVE any desserts with apples: tarte aux pommes, crumble aux pommes, gâteau aux pommes, tarte tatin… What about you?
Il y a du pain sur la planche !
Language game to provide more comprehensible input: Guess Who?
As I mentioned in my previous post about story listening, I am part of an amazing group on Facebook called “CI Liftoff” where educators around the world are discussing about how to use pure comprehensible input in the language acquisition process.
How to find out about your learners interests in a compelling way?
I have started teaching French to a group of 3 girls aged 10 years old. They are native German but they have been attending a primary school where they were taught French intensively, it was like an immersion type of school so their level is very good.