Results for tag: comprehensiblefrench
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French the natural way: how to speak confidently in 5 steps
Coucou les French learners,
Il pleut, il pleut bergère… It is raining, it is raining sheperdess…
I would have given my head to be cut that it would be a nice day today!
It is a popular song for children which has its origins in a French opera or opéra comique written in 1780 by Fabre d’Églantine.
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French the natural way: 3 tips to acquire French
Coucou les French learners,
c’est l’automne, fall is on its ways!
“Fall is the spring of winter”, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
I miss the beautiful Ilm park in Weimar and the forest in Thuringia,
abonnetoi activelistener activelistening activemember audio audiofile audiolivre automne autumn compelling input comprehensible input comprehension easyfrench easyreader extensivereading fall fle francaisfacile francaislangueetrangere frenchculture frenchlove frenchlover frenchreaders frenchstories gradedreaders keepitsimple krashen listen livresenfrançais marieetmédor marieetmédoràparis membership newseason podcast poem simplify slowfrench Stephen Krashen stories targetlanguage youtube youtubeuse
French the natural way: le plan de la rentrée
Coucou les French learners,
C’est la rentrée des classes ! It is time to go back to school and for many to go back to work and to our everyday routine. It is a bit like starting the new year and I am sure many of you have new resolutions to achieve.
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French the natural way : simplifier
15août abonnetoi acadie activelistener auportugal boostyourfrench Canada ci compelling input fle francaislangueetrangere French frenchcommunity frenchinput frenchlearner frenchlove frenchlover frenchreaders frenchstories frenchteachers frenchvideos histoires en français keepitsimple keepitup keeplearning keepreading learnfrench listentostories livresenfrançais lovefrench optimalinput podcast quinze août rich content richinput self french slowfrench TCI tprsbooks youtubeuse