French the natural way: the more you read…
Coucou les French learners,
I am writing to you from lovely Portugal right now enjoying the sun and the heat.
Have a look at my Instagram account to see more pictures of mon séjour,
Coucou les French learners,
I am writing to you from lovely Portugal right now enjoying the sun and the heat.
Have a look at my Instagram account to see more pictures of mon séjour,
Coucou les French learners,
Last week, I mentioned a story I co-created with a learner to help her remember a list of words she had to memorize. I strongly believe in the power of stories because when your mind listens to a story, it generates multiple connections.
I am reading TPRS with Chinese characteristics: making students fluent and literate through comprehensible input by Terry Waltz and I am learning a great deal! I definitely recommend this book if, like me, you want your learners to truly develop fluency and proficiency in another language and on the other hand you do not consider yourself advanced in TPRS and comprehensible input,
Yeah!!! I am back to blogging! I had a very good excuse though for not posting for such a while: I had my fourth boy on the 24th of September. His name is Antoine and he is a lovely baby boy doing well 🙂
Whilst recovering from the birth and taking care of my precious little boy,
A picture can be a great start for a conversation when it is hard to get students talking in the target language. In my present school, we prepare grade 9 and 10 for the IGCSE exams and one part of the exam is about students having to converse with the teachers about different topics they have previously learned.