French news: Exciting New Resources Await!
Coucou les membres de la communauté,
Lately, My Dear Man & I have been working behind the scenes to bring you a variety of new resources designed to provide optimal input for your French language acquisition.
We’re thrilled to share these with you today!
abisproduction advanced beginner authentic autonomouslearner becomeamember cicommunity communauté community comprehensiblefrench comprehensibleinput comprehension confiance course dailyfrench dailyreading fle frenchcommunity frenchculture frenchforall frenchnews frenchreaders improve improvement inputaloneissufficient intensive language acquisition learner lecture lefrancaisensemble lisenfrançais listen natural new novice novice high novicehigh online learner optimal optimalfrench optimalinput output progress prononcer pronounce pronounciation pronunciation reading reboot self confidence selftaught slow french speak speakfrench speaking storyasking tips training upper beginner