French the natural way : trust the process
Coucou les French learners,
I am back from a wonderful weekend in Erlangen, Germany where I got to listen to my idols, Stephen Krashen and Beniko Mason.
They are my heroes in the field of Second Language Acquisition! I got to spend the entire weekend listening to them at the Story Listening workshop,
acquisition acquisition process apprendslefrançais benikomason ci cicommunity compelling input contedusenegal Education enjoy enjoyable fle francaisfacile francaislangueetrangere francophone francophonie french acquisition frenchexpressions keepitup learnfrenchthenaturalway lefrançaisavecaliceayel lefrançaisnaturellement listen maychallenge networking process pureci relax rich content richinput self french senegal sla slerlangen18 Stephen Krashen storiesfirst storylistener storylistening tale TCI trusttheprocess workshop youcandoit