Results for tag: culturefrancaise
La place du Tertre
French the natural way : Notre-Dame de Paris
Coucou les French learners,
I was going to write about something completely different but yesterday’s event has changed everything.
As a Parisian, I am shocked and sad. To look on the bright side, Notre-Dame is not completely destroyed and no one is dead. Les pompiers de Paris,
French the natural way: les oeufs de Pâques !
Coucou les French learners,
Les fêtes de Pâques !
Today is silent, les cloches des églises ne sonnent pas. Church bells are not ringing because it is Samedi Saint, Holy Saturday.
But tomorrow is Pâques ! And I am so fortunate to be spending this special time in France,
French the natural way: the next new thing
Coucou les French learners,
I am back this week with some great news!
Despite the fact it is extremely cold over here, il fait un froid de canard, a duck’s cold (don’t ask why we say that in French ?! C’est très bizarre !).