Results for tag: dailyfrench
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French the natural way: LISTEN to songs
Coucou les French learners,
Hier était un grand jour, yesterday was a big day! In France, we celebrated trois fêtes in one day!!!
It was the longest day, as well as la fête de la Saint Jean, the Feast of Saint John.
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French the natural way: LISTEN to different voices
Coucou les French learners,
Vous connaissez la méthode Coué? Do you know about the Coué method or autosuggestion?
” Everyday in every way, I am feeling better and better”, Emile Coué. Download the 2020 calendar &
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French the natural way: pas de panique ! How to relax in 3 steps
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French the natural way: le déclic
Coucou les French learners,
j’ai eu le déclic ! I clicked!
I love my journey acquiring German. I have finally found resources on and off line which I enjoy and which I understand. It is no longer a burden to get myself reading or listening to German,
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