Results for tag: Education
Qui est Marie-Louise Lachapelle ?
Qui est Madame du Châtelet ?
Madame du Châtelet, aussi appelée Émilie du Châtelet est une grande mathématicienne et physicienne française.
Elle est née en 1706 à Paris. Ses parents étaient des nobles ou des aristocrates. Émilie était très intelligente et douée alors son père a voulu lui offrir une éducation exceptionnelle. Émilie a appris le latin,
French the natural way: table manners
here is your weekly dose of French comprehensible and compelling input to acquire the language naturally.
My boys including my 11 years old love to hear a good story before going to bed. In fact, they need their bedtime story, it is part of the daily routine and even if they have heard the same story for the hundredth time,
Resources for English learners: superstitions.
Although I am taking a break from my school and “formal” teaching, I have not really quit and I have now started to teach online (via Google hangout or Skype) private lessons to Spanish students who want to improve their English. It is actually very different from teaching a whole class and my students have a good level of English but they are not confident enough.