Results for tag: fables
Les plumes volées
French the natural way: les fables
Coucou les French learners,
Are you feeling overwhelmed with French?
Many of my learners want to travel to France and/ or be ready for a French examination. At one point they do feel overwhelmed. They want to know certain grammar points or to be able to pronounce some difficult words in French.
French the natural way: la Bretagne
Coucou les French learners,
I am back from France where I got to eat delicious food and spend quality time with family!
As you already know, I was in the West of France, in a beautiful region called la Bretagne. Check out my Instagram account to see all the pictures.
French the natural way: le Festival des Chandelles (La Chandeleur)
Coucou les French learners,
Yesterday was a special day and an excuse to eat loads of crêpes ! Miam !
La Chandeleur
The French celebrate la Chandeleur every 2nd of February, which marks the day when Jesus was presented at the temple in Jerusalem.