French the natural way: why French with a smile is the path to success!
Coucou les French learners,
My fall weekly online sessions start next Monday! They are tailored from upper beginners to advanced learners. If you are looking for a nudge to move forward in your French journey, then join me live along with a group of motivated and fun learners!
abisproduction advanced beginner affective filter authentic autonomouslearner becomeamember beginnerplus boost cicommunity comprehensiblefrench comprehensibleinput comprehension consistency consistent course dailyfrench expressfluency filter fle french for fun frenchbeginner frenchcommunity frenchforall fun fvr humor humour inputaloneissufficient intensive interact intermediate keepmotivated language acquisition learner lefrancaisensemble lisenfrançais listen low affective filter motivate motivated motivation natural novice high novicehigh online learner reading reboot slow french speak speakfrench upper beginner