Results for tag: film
French the natural way: how to find comprehensible input?
Coucou les French learners,
I am so lucky indeed to be teaching amazing learners from all over the world! Check out my website’s map to find out where my learners come from.
My French learners are amazing because they understand the power of getting input consistently and over time.
French the natural way: attitude is key
“ La joie s’acquiert. Elle est une attitude de courage. Etre joyeux n’est pas une facilité, c’est une volonté. ” Gaston Courtois.
“Joy is something you acquire. It is an attitude of courage. To be joyful is not a competence, it is a will.”
French the natural way: how to access input?
Coucou les French learners,
I have just finished reading this fascinating article by Steve Kaufmann on how learning a new language is a subconscious process. Basically, the author explains how he learned Romanian by first reading a lot about Romania in Romanian! He says: “
Story listening is powerful!
To me, developing listening skills are vital in life, yet not practiced enough. As teachers, we are told to let students learn by doing (which is valuable too in some cases) and that classrooms should be students led. As a consequence the skill of listening is being put aside,