French the natural way: 3 steps to make real progress
Coucou les French learners,
Bonne année et bonne santé 2024 !
I love this quote from Nadya, our caring member, who shared in the Community Chat:
Bonne année : 2 fois plus de bonheur, 0 grammes de soucis, 2 tonnes de surprises,
2023 abisproduction accountability accountable advanced beginner autonomouslearner becomeamember beginnerplus boost booster cicommunity classes coach coaching comprehensiblefrench comprehensibleinput comprehension consistency consistent dailyfrench determined discipline disciplined engage engaged expressfluency fle french for fun french immersion frenchbeginner frenchcommunity frenchforall fun grammairefrançaise grammar immersion inputaloneissufficient intensive interact intermediate journey keepmotivated language acquisition learner lefrancaisensemble lisenfrançais listen moments motivate motivated motivation motivationbreak natural new year novice high novicehigh objective online learner ownapack pack partnership pau pause progress reading reboot reward slow french speakfrench upper beginner voyage