Results for tag: francaisfacile
French the natural way: Input Optimal
Coucou les French learners,
As I am getting ready to travel to Agen, I have come to realize I am on a MISSION!
Whilst preparing the presentation I will give there about making videos on YouTube (have a sneak peek here!
French the natural way: penser comme un Français
Coucou les French learners,
” Soleil de juin, ne ruine personne ! “, Sun in June does not ruin nobody! This is a saying from the beautiful Ardèche region in the South of France. Les célèbres gorges de l’Ardèche are a paradise for canoers and kayakers,
French the natural way: la lecture extensive
Coucou les French learners,
l’été est à nos portes, summer is around the corner !
The best excuse to READ sur l’herbe, on the grass, sur la sable, on the sand, au bord de la piscine,
French the natural way: la confiance en soi
Coucou les French learners,
I am back from beautiful Portugal and en plein boum, in full swing!
The most important is not to let yourself overwhelmed.
Prendre confiance
As I am working at full speed this week,