Results for tag: french resources
French the natural way: find out about la Chandeleur
Coucou les French learners,
Today is one of my favorite day! C’est la Chandeleur ! I love this celebration because it is simple and yet, it is a good excuse to savor crêpes with a glass of cider!
À la Chandeleur,
French the natural way: youpi, c’est le printemps !
Coucou les French learners,
There is une vague de chaleur, a heatwave going on here, in Europe and we are enjoying the beautiful weather!
Le printemps, spring is really blossoming. It is beautiful out here! Actually, Spring and the blossoming nature is a bit like language acquisition.
French the natural way: le Festival des Chandelles (La Chandeleur)
Coucou les French learners,
Yesterday was a special day and an excuse to eat loads of crêpes ! Miam !
La Chandeleur
The French celebrate la Chandeleur every 2nd of February, which marks the day when Jesus was presented at the temple in Jerusalem.
French the natural way: two cultural aspects of a story
Coucou les French learners,
Culture is intrinsically tied to a language. That is why my motto is a Czech proverb “Learn a new language and get a new soul“.
According to Benjamin Lee Whorf and his theory of linguistic relativity,