French the natural way: la lecture extensive
Coucou les French learners,
l’été est à nos portes, summer is around the corner !
The best excuse to READ sur l’herbe, on the grass, sur la sable, on the sand, au bord de la piscine,
Coucou les French learners,
l’été est à nos portes, summer is around the corner !
The best excuse to READ sur l’herbe, on the grass, sur la sable, on the sand, au bord de la piscine,
Coucou les French learners,
Une belle année qui se termine
This past year has been full of amazing learners, Story Listening, more videos and a first Ebook!
I am incredibly reconnaissante,
Coucou les French learners,
Last week, I mentioned a story I co-created with a learner to help her remember a list of words she had to memorize. I strongly believe in the power of stories because when your mind listens to a story, it generates multiple connections.
here is your weekly dose of French comprehensible and compelling input to acquire the language naturally.
My boys including my 11 years old love to hear a good story before going to bed. In fact, they need their bedtime story, it is part of the daily routine and even if they have heard the same story for the hundredth time,
The natural way to acquire another language is to first listen to the language. You already did it when you were a baby. You did not talk first and your parents did not force you to talk, they kept talking to you and telling you stories.