Results for tag: frenchacquisitionforall
French the natural way: LISTEN to songs
Coucou les French learners,
Hier était un grand jour, yesterday was a big day! In France, we celebrated trois fêtes in one day!!!
It was the longest day, as well as la fête de la Saint Jean, the Feast of Saint John.
French the natural way: LISTEN to different voices
Coucou les French learners,
Vous connaissez la méthode Coué? Do you know about the Coué method or autosuggestion?
” Everyday in every way, I am feeling better and better”, Emile Coué. Download the 2020 calendar &
French the natural way: context is what matters
French the natural way: get used to it!
Coucou les French learners,
Je suis de retour ! I am back!
The reason why there was no newsletter for quite a while is a GOOD one! Here is a new addition to our family, a beautiful girl, Jeanne. C’est une grande joie,
French the natural way: C’est le moment !
Coucou les French learners,
Joyeuses Pâques un peu en retard ! Happy belated Easter!
It was a very special Easter, one to remember but still Easter brings us l’Espoir, Hope! And here is a cute little poem about les oeufs de Pâques,