Results for tag: frenchtradition
Le muguet de Maurice Carême
French the natural way: think French
Coucou les French learners,
On Monday, we celebrated la Saint Valentin.
To tell you the truth, My Dear Man and I don’t celebrate it BUT when I looked for the story of this Saint to publish it for the community,
French the natural way : dégustons des crêpes !
Coucou les French learners,
As I am writing this newsletter, the dough I prepared to make crêpes is resting in the kitchen. Later today I will heat the pan and start flipping crêpes for my family. Today is la Chandeleur, Candlemass!
French the natural way: where to start?
Coucou les French learners,
Brr… Il fait froid, It is getting cold !
In the advanced beginner class on Monday, we talked about different kind of delicious soups.
French the natural way: Bonne année 2022 !
Coucou les French learners,
As you may know already, we, in France, can wish “happy new year” during the whole month of January. So…
Bonne année 2022 et bonne santé !
Last week, we celebrated la fête des Rois or l’Epiphanie.
French the natural way: the end of a year, la fin d’une année
Coucou les French learners,
As 2021 is coming to an end, let’s stop and reflect on what my Dear Man and I have learned these past 365 days. As you may know I do follow American entrepreneur, Mari Forleo who helps review this year with 3 simple questions.