Results for tag: game
Faire un pari à Las Vegas
French the natural way: a quirky story!
here is your weekly dose of French comprehensible and compelling input to acquire the language naturally.
Have you ever noticed that it is much easier to remember a story you have heard or a movie you have seen than a list of words, verb forms or grammar concepts?
Language game to provide more comprehensible input: Guess Who?
As I mentioned in my previous post about story listening, I am part of an amazing group on Facebook called “CI Liftoff” where educators around the world are discussing about how to use pure comprehensible input in the language acquisition process.
French game to recycle and repeat: Jean-Jacques Julier
I am back home after a big road trip which took my whole family all the way down to Portugal, then Spain and finally to La Bretagne in France. We got to discover beautiful places and meet amazing people and we also had the chance to reunite with family and old friends.