Results for tag: halloween
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advanced beginner afraid babystories beginner connaître conversation débutant débutant avancé dialogue dog easy easy french facile fear francaisfacile fun funending funny funstory labase night nighttime novice peur present present tense presenttense questions shortstories shortstory small talk smalltalk smart strange street strength strong supereasy tale talk teeth time weirdstory
Le fils ingrat
adultstories advanced animal avancé beast chicken conte conversation dad deal dialogue drame famille family food frèresgrimm grimm grimmbrothers horrible house housewife imparfait imperfect intermédiaire intermédiaire avancé intermediate passé-composé passécomposé past past tense pasttense present presenttense rich content rich vocabulary richinput roast rooms son spooky tale toad tragic tragique ungrateful upper intermediate wife
Où ? – Baby Stage – Vidéo 15
amusant animal animals baby baby-stage basic basics bébé beginner beginnercourse bird birds completebeginner course crime criminal cute débutant drôle easy fable facile forest frenchexpression frequentwords fun funny giant high frequency labase mostfrequent oldwoman petitehistoire petiteshistoires present presentation presenting presenttense question questions scary script scripts self french series shortstory slow french slow pace storyscript supereasy superexpression superfacile superstructures thereare thereis thief totalbeginner video vocabulary vocabularylist weird where
French the natural way: la Toussaint
Coucou les French learners,
This week was special in France. Not because of Halloween, but because of La Toussaint which literally means All Saints Day. France being traditionally and historically a Catholic country, the French celebrate all the saints, known and unknown. In the Western Christian practice,
acquirefrench agir en français all saints day apprendslefrançais article auvergne catholic celebrate celebration celebrities cemetery children book children story christian ci cimetière compelling day of the dead dead death familylife frenchculture frenchfamily frenchvocabulaire funeral horror interactive quiz learnfrench lefrançaisnaturellement massif central natural approach paris père lachaise personal petit ours brun pureci quiz quizlet reading religion scary sla special occasion spooky story listening story reading storytelling tics fle toussaint vocabulary
El día de los muertos and Halloween in Spanish
There are two great videos which are to be found on Spanish Cuentos YouTube channel and which are great to talk about two major cultural events happening very soon!
The first one “La noche de brujas” is perfect for one lesson: